Comments on: Keeping your element height in multiples Justin Volpato's site on jQuery Fri, 18 Mar 2011 17:32:03 +1100 hourly 1 By: Justin Volpato Justin Volpato Sun, 05 Dec 2010 22:50:01 +0000 Hi Tom, I've updated the code in the post to be a lot shorter and you can use it for a class or id properly. View a demo here Hi Tom,

I’ve updated the code in the post to be a lot shorter and you can use it for a class or id properly. View a demo here

By: Tom Tom Sun, 05 Dec 2010 02:10:53 +0000 How could I set this up so that it works separately on each member of a class? At the moment it applies the correct height to the first div which has the class, but then applies the same height to all the other divs too. I want to have text inside my divs, so I'd like the algorithm above to work separately on each div that has that class in this example: I don't have much experience with Javascript or JQuery, just trying to solve a specific design problem. Does it have anything to do with the each() command? Would be really grateful if you could help. How could I set this up so that it works separately on each member of a class? At the moment it applies the correct height to the first div which has the class, but then applies the same height to all the other divs too. I want to have text inside my divs, so I’d like the algorithm above to work separately on each div that has that class in this example:

I don’t have much experience with Javascript or JQuery, just trying to solve a specific design problem. Does it have anything to do with the each() command? Would be really grateful if you could help.
